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Nature-Inspired Art and Photography

Born to be Wild

Welcome to my first blog. I’m an Artist and Photographer based in Canada, deeply inspired by the natural world. I was born and raised in the city, a concrete jungle, where I have always felt out of place and a deep sense of boredom. Growing up, any exposure to nature was far more exhilarating to me, compared to the dullness of urban life.

During one camping trip when I was around 6 years old I spent an entire day catching, inspecting, and releasing dozens of penny toads and several enormous frogs. I was completely fascinated, and nothing could pull me away from the lake, not friends, or cousins, nor food, or thirst. I just wanted to be one with the amphibians and splash around until sundown.

When I discovered fishing I didn’t even mind hooking worms on the line or spending all day out on the boat waiting for our next catch. I remember reeling in a small rainbow trout and holding the slimy fish in my hands feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Just when I thought I had seen it all, my family planned a trip to Florida where I was first exposed to exotic parrots, crazy-looking insects, snakes, alligators, lizards, crabs, dolphins and more. It was an unforgettable experience partly because I got to see species I had only ever read about in textbooks and partly because I got a kick out of seeing my aunt and her friend scream at every passing lizard and snake around our cottage. Good times.

Some of the best memories in my life have been spent in the woods, kayaking, and canoeing, swimming, overlooking mountains, camping with friends and family, wishing on shooting stars, and observing wildlife. One of my favorite feelings in the world is the excitement I always experience before any road trip to a remote region. I love escaping the city any chance I get.

I’ve had a lot of great adventures but one experience that stands out is my trip to Maligne Lake in Alberta. It rained that day and when we finally made it to Spirit Island I remember being enamored by the beauty of the surrounding mountains and the silence. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was the type of silence that removes all the noise within you that you’ve absorbed throughout your entire lifetime.

At that moment, amongst the towering mountains, I didn’t want to speak or move. I just remember understanding how precious that simple moment was to me. I realized that nature had the power to restore me from the heaviness of the world, and for that, I felt a great sense of gratitude to God.

To me, there is nothing better than enjoying God’s creation with my loved ones. These are the things that matter most to me, moments that I cherish, and always look forward to.


Nature and Creativity

My artistic pursuits have always been a way to document my experiences in the wild. Photography allows me to immortalize fleeting moments and create unique, eye-catching imagery by experimenting with effects, color adjustments, and composition. Painting, on the other hand, enables me to express my inner world and bring my visions and memories to life.

When painting landscapes I love incorporating bold brushstrokes and layering color to mimic the look of the terrain in a specific region. I also aim to capture the feeling of the seasons and weather in the landscapes I paint.  Every piece is an impression and comes together with the power of the viewer’s imagination.

A Passion for Salubrious Living

As a person who experiences a lot of joy from the wilderness, I have come to realize that a harmonious inner world depends on an outer world that has balance, meaning, and beauty. When I started surrounding myself with energy-giving imagery in my home, I felt more centered, at peace, and motivated in my everyday life.

My interests also include exploring trends in interior design and décor. I love watching home renovations and seeing a space transform with furnishings, lighting, furniture, and a curated selection of wall art. When I paint, I aim to create pieces that will flow into a space and contribute to the overall wellness, tranquility, vitality, and harmony of my clients.

If you’re an art collector or interior designer who would like to commission me for a one-of-a-kind painting for your interior space, please get in touch with me through my contact page.


All the best from,

A Grateful Artist